
Proactive Deception Platform

Identify threat actors before they breach your network. Measure their determination. Respond appropriately.

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Why your organisation needs Simbotnik PDP

Reduced dwell-time equalsreduced data-loss

Find Threat Actors before they breach your network.
PDP takes the most innovative concepts of ad-tech / social networks and combines them with proven HoneyPot techniques to gain greater insights than previously possible. It's the only Deception platform to fully reflect the realities of modern internet usage. Unlike legacy Honeypot/Deception systems, it lives outside your network, acting as a first line of defense, gathering insights & intelligence on your adversary, letting you respond proactively before your network is breached.

Understand what assets are being targetted while protecting your organisation

With limited human attention at hand, your organisation needs to differentiate between script kiddies and APTs. PDP allows you to measure and quantify the intention and sophistication of the attacker earlier in the kill chain than any traditional security product, allowing you to respond proactively and appropriately. Once the attack has reached a chosen threshold of sophistication, you'll receive a near real-time Indicator feed to protect your genuine assets.

Cloud based: easy to deploy

PDP lives in the cloud and can be deployed in minutes. You decide how deeply you want to integrate it with existing organisation's systems.
The interface is intuitive and can be used without extensive training.

PDP and all it's supporting services are based in Europe (EU 🇪🇺 & Switzerland 🇨🇭), giving you peace of mind for GDPR compliance and security.

Delay, deter, deceive

Once a threat has been identified, use deception techniques to lead them down the wrong path, or deter them from continuing. Even APTs have a finite amount of time and money: you can use PDP to gain time to protect real infrastructure using gathered IOCs and Intelligence. It can also be used to gather a dossier to pursue adversaries through other channels.

How Simbotnik PDP helps implement the MITRE Engage® framework

A comprehensive security plan does not begin or end at the perimeter. Adversary's pre-compromise activities are largely executed outside the enterprise’s field of view. Defenders must expand their ability to monitor and understand adversary actions outside the boundaries of their enterprise.

MITRE corporation

PRE-ATT&CK provides the ability to prevent an attack before the adversary has a chance to get in. PRE-ATT&CK answers questions such as: How should you prioritize analytics to “see” the adversary before the exploit occurs?

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How it works technically

A basic deployment looks like this:

- Sign up, enter very basic info about your organisation
- Designate an existing public website as a template (E.g. Corporate Home Page)
- PDP creates a dynamic clone website that is annotated for extra analysis and telemetry
- The clone is NOT VISIBLE in any search engine and will receive NO legitimate traffic
- Extra security controls, intentional vulnerabilities and honey-tokens are introduced
- "Active measures" are used to seed the internet with subtle breadcrumbs leading back to the clone
- Various techniques are used to grade threat actors by their level of determination / sophistication
- A detailed analysis dashboard is made available tracking each threat actor
- A live feed of IOCs is generated from threat actor actions, which can be used to protect organisation assets

Sign-up for information, news and private beta access:

We will NEVER share your email or data with 3rd parties without express prior opt-in consent.

Emails will be rare and to the point.
All our data is hosted in Europe and GDPR compliant.
Contact us via this form for further GDPR queries.

Simbotnik Proactive Deception Platform (PDP) will be going to private beta in the near future.
Qualified organisations and individuals will be invited to participate in the beta. If you are interested in the product or wish to participate, please sign up.

Deception Logo

About Simbotnik

Simbotnik is a cybersecurity company that aims to push the frontiers of defense beyond traditional network barriers.
It's been 10 years since "Beyond Corp" revolutionalised how we work, but security has not caught up.
We are proud to be Europe's leader in Next Generation Deception technology.
Backed by 15 years of infosec industry experience, we know how the old guard works, and are ready to push beyond the old frontiers.